Rename the new element as: DateInfo. 将新元素重新命名为:DateInfo。
The attribute substitutionGroup, which specifies the kind of topology element for the new element, such as a unit or a capability. 属性substitutionGroup,指定了新元素拓扑元素的种类,例如一个单元或者一个功能。
Now you can use the new element. 现在可以使用新的元素了。
Again, you can see how this new element is based on a predecessor in the task topic and a predecessor in the base DITA topic, inheriting behavior from both. 同样,您可以看到这个新元素是如何基于task主题中的前辈和基础DITA主题中的前辈并从两者继承行为的。
Instead, I declare a new element, trext: LocationCountyCode, that uses my own code list. 相反,我声明了一个新元素trext:LocationCountyCode,它使用我自己的代码列表。
For each Item object in itemList, a new element is created. 对于itemList中的每个Item对象,将创建一个新的元素。
Adding new element names does not change the data structure& it always remains a tree structure. 添加新的元素名并不会改变数据结构&它总是树结构。
If so, it creates a new element corresponding to the resource and adds it to the parent's list of children. 如果是,它会创建一个与此资源相应的新元素,并将其添加到父亲的子列表中。
If you decide to create a new element, the Create a New Element wizard comes up. 如果你想创建一个新的元素,则会出现创建一个新元素的“向导”。
The net effect of replacing an element is the creation of a new element with a different content that is still referenced by all the same delivery processes and capability patterns. 置换一个元素的结果是创建出一个具有不同内容的新元素,但它仍然被所有相同的交付过程和功能模式所引用。
In my model, Bicycle doesn't have an equivalent at all in the NIEM model, so I need to create a new element and a new corresponding complex type. 在我的模型中,Bicycle在NIEM模型中根本就没有等价元素,所以我需要创建一个新元素和一个相应的新复杂类型。
It first defines a new element,, and links it to an options array containing key-value pairs. 它首先定义了一个新元素,然后将它链接到一个包含名称-值对的选项数组。
Each one provides a context menu that allows you to create a new element of its type. 每个项目都提供了一个上下文菜单,允许创建对应类型的新元素。
As with the previous method of extension, I have to define both a new element trext: Bicycle and a type trext: BicycleType. 跟前一种扩展方法一样,我必须定义一个新元素(trext:Bicycle)和一个类型(trext:BicycleType)。
Therefore we create a rule for the new element security cube ( belonging to the original dimension). 因此我们为新元素安全性多维数据集(属于原始维度)创建一条规则。
For each property in the Item class, a new element is created and associated with an element that corresponds to the property name. 对于Item类中的每个属性,一个新元素被创建并关联到一个与该属性名对应的元素。
However, binding contexts can now be explicitly marked up with a new element. 但是,绑定环境现在可使用一个新的元素显式地标记。
When the user enters new vehicle data, you create a new element in the array object. 当用户输入新车辆数据时,您将在数组对象中创建一个新元素。
A new element called "item" is added to the Output tree entry node. 将一个名为“item”的新元素添加到Output树的entry节点。
Create a new element called ranking under the entry element for the Output. 在Output的entry元素下面创建一个名为ranking的新元素。
Selecting an icon enables the creation of a new element of the type that the icon represents. 选择一个图标就可以创建该图标所表示的新元素类型。
The complexity of that task has been increased by an economic crisis that has raised fears of protectionism and added a new element of tension to the European Union's trade relations with China. 经济危机加大了这项任务的复杂性。经济危机加剧了各方对保护主义的担心,为中国与欧盟的贸易关系添加了新的紧张因素。
You need a new element in the kettle. 你的烧水壶需要换个新的配件。
Element works by calling template content that provides a reasonable substitute for the behavior of the new element. 元素通过调用模板内容生效,由模板内容为新元素的行为提供适合的替代行为。
My strategy here is to push the stack just before I start a new element. 我的策略是,在开始新元素之前推入堆栈。
Pairing marriage had brought a new element into the family. 对偶婚给家庭添加了一个新的因素。
Install the new element and gasket, checking for correct positioning. 安装新的加热棒和垫圈,确认是否位置是否正确。
The new element is added to the end of the internal list. 新元素被添加至内部列表的末尾。
File types are used to select an element type for a new element. 文件类型用于为一个新元素选择一个元素类型。